According to a seven-day analysis by Acumen Media, these are the stories that were the week's biggest stories on social media:
The leader in coverage for the week was #Eskom. The electricity public utility was a hot topic of discussion in the midst of load-shedding.
Coming in second was our beloved men's national football team Bafana Bafana for winning a match against Libya.
#StateCaptureInquiry saw #AngeloAgrizzi return to centre stage and the names kept dropping.
#AndileRamphosa being implicated in the #BosasaScandal left a huge impact both in the top stories and also in the political charts.
The horror of #CycloneIdai left hundreds of thousands of people displaced and many still stranded and fighting of their lives.
#EdSheeran's recent tour left a positive impact on SA.
#HumanRightsDay was left in the dark and for the first time in SA, #SharpevilleDay did not top the media.
#AndileMngxitama's comments about #CycloneIdai being orchestrated by white people left social media laughing.
The #DA's upcoming march #KeepTheLightsOn did not go down well with social media and many felt it was disingenuous when the country has been at a standstill anyway.
An 'almost win' for #OUTA surprised us yesterday as #SANRAL dropped the quest to chase historical debt from e-tolls.