
Mandatory new job spec: PoPIA requires appointment of an information officer
Ahmore Burger-Smidt and Dimakatso Khumalo 29 Apr 2021

Research busts China myths
Hilary Joffe 8 May 2017
Last year, the massive multinational accounting firm, Ernst & Young, announced that they were removing academic qualifications from their entry criteria.
South African students who have been chasing down a degree at universities were probably confused. They were no doubt hoping their hard work would improve their job opportunities.
While the likelihood of those students finding employment still remains positive, it might not be enough anymore.
The company has noted that academic performance is still an important factor when deciding on candidates.
They , however, added that they’ve found no evidence to conclude that people who achieved success in higher education were guaranteed to achieve the same success in the workplace. Instead, research shows that there are positive links between certain strengths and future success.
You’ve either got it or you don’t. So, they’ve opted to pick applicants based on a system of online assessments and numerical tests.
Read the full article on CompareGuru.