2008 ad annual commissions consumer attitude research
Using a sample of over 2500 people, the hardcover annual, which is edited by industry commentator and broadcaster Jeremy Maggs, will feature research covering critical issues including:
- To what extent does advertising shape our culture?
- How believable is advertising?
- What are the main irritation factors?
- Ethical issues
- Language issues
Comments Maggs: “Everyone has an opinion about advertising but it's never all been pulled together in as comprehensive fashion as this. I believe this body of research will become a critical tool for all those in the industry who are trying to engage with consumers in a meaningful way in an increasingly fragmented media environment.”
The main conclusions of the research will be featured in The Annual, due for release at the end of November and also presented at special seminars in Johannesburg and Cape Town by Higgs.
The seminars will also feature leading London-based advertising researcher Emma Willkie, who manages the respected Gunn Report which analyses the best ad agencies and commercials from all the world's top ad shows. She'll be giving a 60-minute talk which is a must for anyone working in the industry and who is interested in global best practice.
Seats to both events are limited to 200 and early booking is essential.
Editorial participation in this year's publication has already exceeded expectation, says Maggs, with most of the country's agencies being featured in one-, two- or four-page profiles. A team of 10 writers is already in the field and busy with interviews. As with the debut 2007 edition, a percentage of participation fees are given through a special trust fund to a communications institution for assistance in education. Earlier this year, Future Publishing committed R80 000 to the Vega School from proceeds from the first book.
Inquiries about the seminars can be addressed to project co-ordinator Marcia Minnaar at .