Platinum Concierge offers you complimentary assistance, anytime, day or night wherever you are. Whether you need a reservation at a recommended restaurant, tickets to a sought-after event, or the perfect gift for a discerning recipient, Platinum Concierge is just a phone call away. They will help you take advantage of unique travel benefits and special offers, as well as provide advice on how to use your available Membership Rewards® points as payment for your personalised experience.
As a Platinum Card member all your needs will be meticulously coordinated and all your requests will be taken care of – big and small leaving you to savour your special moments.
Concierge is a complimentary service to American Express Platinum Card members, however you are responsible for any purchases, associated costs, and/or shipping charges you authorise the Concierge to coordinate.
Concierge is just a phone call away. Go ahead and bring to live a world of experiences where riches are measured in adventure, dreams and special moments.