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Association of Palliative Care Centres (APCC) Press Office
Formerly known as the HPCA, the APCC is the new brand (from 1st September 2023). As a registered NPO, APCC is a member organisation for palliative care service providers, many of whom call themselves hospices. Members care for over 100,000 patients and loved ones per year (primarily in the comfort of their own homes). The APCC champions and supports both members and palliative care as a healthcare speciality.
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Care beyond service – The palliative care standard
Hospice Week takes place from 5-11 May 2024. Annually, this week focuses on the role the palliative care sector plays in healthcare. In South Africa, The Association of Palliative Care Centres (APCC) is a member organisation for 91 palliative care centres, many of which call themselves hospices. 7 May 2024 Read more

Lace Up for Cancer and the 10s join forces
The Lace Up for Cancer race was back in the Cape Town seaboard in 2024. Relaunched in 2023 in the Winelands, this popular race has been taken to another level of fun as the 10s come into the fold and incorporate the event into the 10s event which occured on Saturday, 3 February. Sponsored by Icon Oncology and Life Healthcare, and supported by the 10s, for each R5 on the ticket price, R4 goes to the Cancer Alliance and the Association of Palliative Care Centres (APCC). 1 Feb 2024 Read more

Hospice Palliative Care Association rebrands as the Association of Palliative Care Centres
As of 1 September 2023, the Hospice Palliative Care Association (HPCA) will now be known as the Association of Palliative Care Centres (APCC). 28 Sep 2023 Read more

Psychosocial palliative care: The dying person's Bill of Rights
Psychosocial palliative care is concerned with the emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing of the patient and their families or carers. It includes issues of self-worth insight into and adaptation to the illness as well as its effects, communication, social functioning and relationships. Within this context, the 'Dying person's Bill of Rights' is a golden thread to psychosocial support to patients and their families. 6 Jun 2023 Read more

Psychosocial palliative care: Breaking bad news well
In this second piece in the three-article series on psychosocial palliative care, we focus on communication skills. Thoughtful communication and counselling between healthcare professionals, patients and families is crucial to ensure that patients are afforded the opportunity and right to die in dignity and as peacefully as possible. 18 May 2023 Read more

Palliative care can extend life
Hospice Week takes place this year from 7-13 May 2023. Every year, this week focuses on highlighting the role that hospices play in the medical and healthcare landscape. This year, it takes place post the Palliative Care Conference (held late April) that brought together the diverse disciplines that make up palliative care services and highlighted the holistic nature of this very special and essential service. 5 May 2023 Read more

Psychosocial palliative care: The emotional and spiritual aspects of the journey
Covid-19 was a harsh teacher to many in the medical profession on the need for psychosocial and spiritual knowledge and skills when faced with someone's pending mortality. It has long been understood in the palliative care sector that equipping professionals with the skills and knowledge to understand what is required to assist a patient that has been given a life-limiting diagnosis, as well as knowing how to help them or to bring in the available support, is vital to both the person receiving the diagnosis and their loved ones. The journey to our final destination is one that can be ably supported. This article is the first in a series of three that outlines the psychosocial and spiritual aspects of palliative care and its importance as part of holistic care. 4 May 2023 Read more

Don't wait until death to fully live
"You only die once, but you live every day," - an expression many of us have heard and one that may particularly resonate after the last two years. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many of us to re-evaluate our lives - to take stock of our priorities and to decide whether our life design, as it is, works for us. For many, this has led to life altering decisions and changes and, for many, it has led to embracing life within a 'new normal', complete with a new 'bucket list'. 7 Feb 2022 Read more

HPCA course bookings for the online version of 'Introduction to Palliative Care for Professionals' are open for 2022
The Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa (HPCA) launched the online version of their 'Introduction to Palliative Care for Professionals' course in early 2021. The delegate feedback has been very positive and the Department of Health has secured all places available for January 2022. 14 Jan 2022 Read more

HPCA course 'Introduction to Palliative Care for Professionals' is online
The Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa (HPCA) has perfected the online version of their course offering - 'Introduction to Palliative Care for Professionals', which was launched in early 2021. 24 Aug 2021 Read more

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Contact Association of Palliative Care Centres (APCC)

Tel: +27 (0) 21 203 4062
Email: az.gro.ccpa@ofni