Riaad Moosa and his bright Material

As Ronnie Apteker's latest movie, Material, is about to enter the circuit, the reviews are glowing with praise. Daily Maverick talks to the man in the centre of the action, Riaad Moosa. [video]

...Just that morning [of the interview], Megan Godsell, a writer, director and filmmaker in her own stead, was gushing with praise for Material. "It was subtle and gentle and funny as well as heartbreaking!" she enthused. "Everyone must see it!" She rates Material alongside Paljas, God is African, Tsotsi and White Wedding - films she calls real South African films.

"It's an interesting thing," Moosa says, weighing the feedback he's received so far. "I think non-Muslims are going to like this movie more than Muslims."

Read the full interview on www.dailymaverick.co.za. The film opens in cinemas countrywide on 17 February 2012.

About the author

Suspended tenuously between the crushing weight of everything she is expected to be, and the meanness of what she is, Khadija Patel is inching herself out of a yawning chasm of mediocrity. Calling herself a writer would require she actually write something, so she cowers behind 'language practitioner' instead. She busies herself exploring why we speak the way we do, blabbering a copious amount of Porcine Latin across the interwebs, while thinking deeply in Gobbledygook. She is a regular [[www.dailymaverick.co.za Daily Maverick]] contributor who tweets as [[@khadijapatel]].

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