This new MOOC helps you figure out if you really need VC

In the startup space, people (including us in the media) tend to get very excited when a business gets venture capital funding. On one level it makes a lot of sense: comparatively few startups get VC funding and it can make serious difference to those that get it. But could all the effort that some startups expend on trying to get funding be better spent elsewhere?
This new MOOC helps you figure out if you really need VC
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According Dr John Mullins, associate professor at London Business School, the answer to that question is a very firm “yes”. So fervent is Dr Mullins in this regard that he’s put together a new MOOC, called 'How to Finance and Grow Your Startup – Without VC'.

The course, hosted on Coursera addresses some of the most vital questions faced by today’s aspiring entrepreneurs as well as the fears many have that they won’t be able to achieve success without Silicon Valley-style funding.

Continue reading the full article on Ventureburn.

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