BCCSA zaps zipper complaint

NEWSWATCH: A KykNET insert involving a boy and his zipper isn't sufficiently disturbing for the BCCSA to intervene, reports IOL, and it seems far too many South African smartphone users are a bit dof, reports Times Live.
Once bitten, twice... far more careful... (Image: Deutsche Fotothek, via Wikimedia Commons)
Once bitten, twice... far more careful... (Image: Deutsche Fotothek, via Wikimedia Commons)

For more:

  • IOL: Embarrassing zipper clip tolerable: BCCSA... It happens to blokes every now and then - but probably only once to the individual bloke, who thereafter usually reckons doing it once was once too often... catching one's er... you know what... in his zip.

    It's enough to make the eyes water, and in this case, it happened to a young boy who went on to see his penis problem on TV.

    A viewer or two complained, but the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of SA (BCCSA) reckons that the insert, which appeared on KykNET's Kwela, is not sufficiently off-putting for the organisation to intervene. In fact, KykNET is reported as saying the boy's parents had told the channel that their son was now a mini-celebrity at school and was happy.

    Well, that's one way to get your 15 minutes of pain... sorry, fame; we're not sure about the use of the term "mini", when describing the boy's celebrity status, however.

  • Times Live: Smart phones, dumb users... Look, you know that there are oxygen thieves out there who will use every new technology, every new type of device, to grab your cash and/or your identity, but it seems some people are slow to learn and Times Live reports that about a million of us have been victims of cybercrime and lost about R3.4bn in the process.

    And that has been only over the past year.

    Be more careful out there.

    About Rod Baker

    Rod Baker is Content Director at Bizcommunity.com. A journalist since before computers, he worked on a wide range of magazines and, in his youth, rose through the ranks from being a lowly and abused sub-editor, to a high and still abused editor and publisher. He has been editor and publisher of a number of magazines, as well as a newspaper. He has edited many books, and written a number too. Email him at rod@bizcommunity.com.
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