kalahari.com bullish on festive season sales

Kalahari.com revealed on Wednesday, 30 November, in its annual survey that online shopping was set for a robust increase this festive season.

According to SA's largest online retailer, 87.6% of SA's connected shoppers said they would be doing their festive season shopping online while only 12.4% indicated that they would be hitting the traditional shopping malls.

With less than five weeks to go to Christmas, 40% of the shoppers indicated that they had already started their festive season shopping in November, while 34% will start their gift shopping in early December.

Gary Novitzkas, CEO of kalahari.com, said that financial constraints facing South Africans could be one of the drivers leading more consumers online for their year-end spending.

"Consumers have become very conscious of how they spend their money and realise there are huge savings to be found online.

"We predict an online sales growth of up to 30% over the holiday period confirming e-commerce's resilience in the face of an uneasy global economic climate," said Novitzkas.

The majority of the shoppers, or 57% said they would be spending up to 10% of their average monthly earnings on festive season gifts, followed by 27% of the shoppers who indicated they would be spending up to 25% of their earnings on gifts.

Novitzkas said that consumers' growing confidence in the safety of online shopping was also contributing to the increase in online sales and average order values.

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