SA artists on hand to relaunch Sandton's Musica Megastore

Musica Sandton City is relaunching its mega store on Thursday 26 July 2012, with some of South Africa's top artist performing and signing autographs for the entire weekend.

Reg Bossenger, GM at Musica says, "We are really excited about this store launch. Not only will we be treating our customers to performances on the day of the launch, but there will be appearances by South Africa's top musicians, who have agreed to come into the store, meet their fans and sign autographs, throughout the weekend.

"The group has a long history of supporting South African artists. It has been instrumental in the success of talent such as Zahara going platinum in a short period of four months. For a newcomer in the South African music industry, this was record-breaking stuff. As a major supporter of South African acts, we felt it appropriate that we launch our new flagship store with our artists."

The new store will offer music fans a range of 10 000 albums across various genres in both local and international music. Movie fanatics will be pleased with a collection close to 4 000 movies to choose from and the gaming range spans across 2 000 software titles in all formats.

Events line-up

Thursday, 26 July 2012
1-2pm: Fresh & Euphonic - In store signing
2-2.30pm: Teargas - Performance
2.30-3pm: Liquideep - Performance
3-3.30pm: Dj Tulz - In store signing

Friday, 27 July 2012 (Only in store signings)
12.30-1.30pm: Malik
2-3pm: Jack Parrow
3-4pm: DJ Terance
4-5pm: DJ Tira

Saturday, 28 July 2012 (Only in store signings)
1-1.30pm: Slikour
1.30-2pm: Kwesta
2-2.30pm: Shugasmakx
2.30-3pm: Cashtime
3-3.30pm: AKA

Sunday, 29 July 2012 (Only in store signings)
11am - noon: The Layders
Noon - 1pm: RJ Benjamin
1-2pm: Muffinz

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