Here comes the NHI

The National Health Insurance scheme is to be presented to President Jacob Zuma's Cabinet today and details of the policy document will probably be revealed tomorrow if the Cabinet approves it.
(Image: Wikimedia Commons)
(Image: Wikimedia Commons)

According to an article published on Times Live a new health tax will provide the required funding for the NHI and it quotes Health Minister, Aaron Motsoaledi as saying that he is determined to get the policy document approved.

In the article he says that no person will be able to opt out of NHI. Although Motsoaledi wouldn't be drawn on the costs of implementing the new health scheme, earlier estimates contained in a discussion document released last year put the figure at R376 billion.

Times Live says the announcement of the NHI policy document comes in the wake of a scathing report on maternal mortality released by Human Rights Watch.

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