ANN7 staff could lose over boos

Thirty employees at the Gupta-owned ANN7 could lose their jobs after they booed ANC Youth League President Collen Maine.
ANN7 staff could lose over boos

The employees were charged with "bringing the good name of the company into disrepute" and hauled before a disciplinary committee yesterday.

Communication Workers Union national organiser Tshepo Matlou was initially unable to speak to the workers as ANN7 management locked him out of the premises.

Only after Cosatu president Sdumo Dlamini intervened was access to the workers granted.

In April Maine went to ANN7 headquarters in Midrand to address staff over the decision by four of the country's biggest banks to close the accounts of Oakbay, a Gupta-owned company.

Staff members berated Maine, saying he ignored their complaints of poor working conditions in favour of defending the company. They were captured on camera demanding that "Maine must fall" as he was chased out.

ANN7 editor-in-chief Moegsien Williams said he could not comment as he was out of the office.

"I am at the Kruger National Park. I'm afraid I can't comment on this matter."

Source: The Times

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