Acting chief 'relieved' he was passed over for top post

Former acting police commissioner Lieutenant-General Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi, is not bitter at being overlooked for the top post in the SAPS.
Acting chief 'relieved' he was passed over for top post

Following the appointment of the new head of SAPS, he said: "I think it's a good appointment. We have a good manager. Although she might not be a police officer, we are there to run the streets and she needs to manage us to make sure we deliver on what we are supposed to deliver."

He denied being disappointed at not being given the job. "I have been focusing on operations. When I was appointed acting national police commissioner, it put more strain on me.

"Now that there's somebody appointed, I feel relieved. I can focus on what I joined the police for."

He said there had not yet been any discussions on where he would be placed.

"We are still briefing the general [Phiyega] on what's been happening in the organisation. The issue of where I am working and who is going to be working where is something for later."

Source: Sunday Times via I-Net Bridge

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