DCC, Verbatim take hands to go green

As electricity costs continue to rise and the importance of sustainability and energy conservation becomes increasingly clear, energy efficiency is now an important consideration for all electronic devices. One of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce energy consumption is to replace incandescent lamps with more efficient solutions.
DCC, Verbatim take hands to go green

However, traditional energy efficient lamps contain mercury, which is dangerous to the environment, and have a short lifespan. For this and other reasons highly energy efficient, environmentally friendly light emitting diode (LED) lighting is poised to replace classic lighting technologies both in residential and commercial spaces.

Verbatim are on the cutting edge of this technology and have recently announced a range of super-efficient LED lamps designed to replace bulbs and easily retro-fit into any existing fixture. As part of its commitment to sustainability and environmentally friendly technology solutions, distributor Drive Control Corporation (DCC) will be stocking and distributing this innovative new range.

Opening up new markets

"While Verbatim is traditionally known as a storage giant, LEDs have been used for many years in computers and computing equipment, and through its parent company Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Verbatim has more than 60 years of experience in developing lighting materials," says Fred Mitchel, LED product specialist at DCC.

"As an existing distributor of Verbatim storage products and an organisation dedicated to distributing the very best in energy efficient technologies, it made sense for us to use the power of our existing distribution model to take this product to retailers and thus to consumers, opening up new markets for DCC and delivering the very best in leading energy efficient technology to the South African consumer," he says.

"While LED lamps may require higher capital outlay, the efficiency and environmental consciousness of the technology soon translates into economic advantage," says Mitchell. "A standard incandescent bulb may last up to 1 000 hours, whereas a Verbatim LED lasts up to 35 000 hours, or 16 years based on usage of six hours a day. Over the course of 16 years, the succession of standard bulbs would have consumed 1 400 kilowatt hours, compared to just 350 for the LED bulb, translating into far higher energy costs. The cost of 35 standard light bulbs over the years also far outweighs the higher cost of the LED bulb, and the carbon emissions produced from one LED bulb are just 175kg over its lifespan, compared to 700kg produced by 35 incandescent bulbs."

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