IEC chairperson granted special leave

President Jacob Zuma has granted Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) chairperson Advocate Pansy Tlakula leave of absence.
(Image: IEC)
(Image: IEC)

"The President has granted the special leave of absence until a final decision on her fitness to hold office as Chairperson of the Commission is made," said the Presidency in a statement on Tuesday.

Last month, the President received a request for special leave from Tlakula. The President had been considering the request.

Tlakula made headlines ahead of the 7 May elections after Public Protector Thuli Madonsela found her "guilty of gross maladministration" for the lease agreement of the IEC's headquarters in Centurion.

This prompted five political parties - the United Democratic Movement, African Christian Democratic Party, Congress of the People, Agang SA and Economic Freedom Fighters - to approach the court to get Tlakula removed for allegedly failing to follow due processes in the procurement of the IEC's premises.

In June, the IEC received the Electoral Court judgement regarding Tlakula. The Electoral Court recommended that Tlakula be removed from her post.

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