Wandisa Vazi, TPT's East London terminal manager

At the end of July, the Businesswomen's Association (BWA) hosted its annual Regional Businesswoman of the Year Awards event, where women were awarded for being the best in business. Wandisa Vazi, Transnet Port Terminals's East London terminal manager, took home this year's award in the Women in Government category.
Wandisa Vazi, Transnet Port Terminal’s East London terminal manager
Wandisa Vazi, Transnet Port Terminal’s East London terminal manager

“I feel truly honoured to have been recognised amongst so many amazing and talented women. With accepting this award I’m also glad to be representing Transnet, which as a company constantly encourages all staff to embody the values of innovation and leadership that are synonymous with our Transnet Port Terminals operations. It’s also extremely fitting that these awards have taken place just before Women’s Month commences in South Africa.

"My goal is to keep making strides in the workplace by continually improving Cape Channel’s overall culture of business excellence and to drive the terminal’s volume growth and diversification strategies. I want to play my part in TPT’s goal of becoming a top five terminal operator in five years in the logistics and supply chain sector,” said Vazi on winning the award.

This Women's Month, we chatted to Vazi about her journey into the logistics industry.

BizcommunityCould you describe a typical day in your job?
A typical day involves engaging with various stakeholders, providing business solutions and nurturing employees and customers relations.

BizcommunityWhat did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to become a doctor.

BizcommunityHow did you get into the logistics space?
My passion started with how each part of a business contributes to the development of the economy. I needed to understand the logistics chain.

BizcommunityWhat was the best advice anyone ever gave you?
Do your best in whatever you do and stay humble.

BizcommunityWhat advice do you have for the future generation of women wanting to get into the logistics industry?
Take interest in the field and search for opportunities and avail yourself for opportunities.

BizcommunityWho or what is your biggest motivation?
My biggest motivation is to serve people for a better socio-economic benefit.

BizcommunityAre South African women getting enough of a chance to shine in the logistics industry?
I believe there is room for improvement.

BizcommunityWomen are considered to be natural problem solvers. Why do you think this is perfect for the logistics industry?
Women are better at coordinating, and solutions are being resolved through it.

BizcommunityCould you list a few, if any, specific challenges females face in this industry?
Females in this industry are undermined by our male counterparts, therefore we have to double our efforts, just to prove themselves.

BizcommunityWhat is your advice for overcoming these challenges?
My advice is that women need to capacitate themselves with logistics knowledge, and also be willing to learn.

BizcommunityWhat trends do you predict in the logistics industry in the coming years?
I predict that digital is going to play a big role in the logistics industry, which will change the scope and environment.

About Evan-Lee Courie

Group Editor: Retail and Lifestyle
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