Adopt-a-School | Bizcommunity

Results for Adopt-a-School


How can companies invest in whole school development?
ESG & Sustainability
How can companies invest in whole school development?

Issued by Trialogue 8 Apr 2024

Study with Gagasi FM in 2024
Marketing & Media
Study with Gagasi FM in 2024

Issued by Gagasi FM 9 Jan 2024

#BestofBiz 2023: Education
#BestofBiz 2023: Education

19 Dec 2023

#BestofBiz 2022: Education
#BestofBiz 2022: Education

12 Dec 2022

Boomtown's interns design new CI for Ubomi
Marketing & Media
Boomtown's interns design new CI for Ubomi

Issued by Boomtown 17 Feb 2022

#BestofBiz 2021: Education
#BestofBiz 2021: Education

13 Dec 2021

#BestofBiz 2020: Education
#BestofBiz 2020: Education

14 Dec 2020

Back to School for Mandela Day
Back to School for Mandela Day

Issued by Adopt-a-School 24 Jul 2020

#BestofBiz 2019: Education
#BestofBiz 2019: Education

17 Dec 2019

Celebrating our teachers
Celebrating our teachers

Issued by Adopt-a-School 18 Oct 2019

Image source:
Tourism & Travel
Flight Centre launches new CSI programme

31 Jul 2019

Child Protection Week - We all have a role to play!
ESG & Sustainability
Child Protection Week - We all have a role to play!

Issued by Adopt-a-School 10 Jun 2019

Fostering healthier school learners
ESG & Sustainability
Fostering healthier school learners

Issued by Adopt-a-School 12 Mar 2019

Gagasi FM adopts a school
Marketing & Media
Gagasi FM adopts a school

Issued by Gagasi FM 22 Jan 2019

#BestofBiz 2018: Education
#BestofBiz 2018: Education

18 Dec 2018

Let's do Biz